Let me start by saying a big "Thank You Steven Spielberg!" for bringing Tintin on screen in a serious way! After all these years of make-do animations, here's a promise that Tintin will reach out to a new generation unaware of the magic. While as a Tintin fan I feel there's a long way to go before justice is done on the big screen to the legend that's Tintin, it's a great start.
Close to 80 years ago, a Belgian artist dreamed of a boy character who would take on the villains of the world, and stand for peace and justice. Little did that artist realise that Titin - his boy character - will become a legend in his own lifetime. 'Millions of books sold in many languages around the world' hardly captures the success of the boy character. The zeal and love that his fans hold for him in their hearts perhaps does.
Close to 80 years ago, a Belgian artist dreamed of a boy character who would take on the villains of the world, and stand for peace and justice. Little did that artist realise that Titin - his boy character - will become a legend in his own lifetime. 'Millions of books sold in many languages around the world' hardly captures the success of the boy character. The zeal and love that his fans hold for him in their hearts perhaps does.
Tintin was a result of the circumstances of those days. The artist - George Remi (R.G. - Herge) - brought real life incidents to bear upon the development of the character of Tintin. Slowly, over the decades, more characters joined the duo of Tintin and Snowy.. and the family grew to a handsome and reliable lot! Travelling all around the world, taking on the most devilish of villains in the most believable of ways, Tintin brought happiness and cheer to kids and adults alike.

I feel this is what made him so:
- Ultra-realistic drawing by Herge, taking into account the minutest of real-world dimensions
Deep and meaningful storylines, rendered credible by real-world happenings
- Something for everyone - kids loved Snowy, adults loved Haddock, everyone loved Tintin!
- Genuine humour, clean fun
- Almost zero violence even when it was present
- Tintin hates guns, and abstains from vices (like liquor) - a perennial message throughout the series
- Pan-national appeal (perhaps villains like Rastapopulous are everywhere!)
Here are my observations about the movie:
- Fantastic quality of animation - real-life like!
- Nicely mixed the two adventures - "The crab with the golden claws" and "Secret of the Unicorn" to create a new story altogether
- Great idea to use a lot of characters in the first movie itself - except Prof Calculus, almost everyone was covered
- Three cheers for Spielberg for believing in the story of Tintin
Here are my suggestions for future productions (which inevitably will come):
- I feel that too many guns and gunshots were used. These are not needed in a true Tintin adventure. At least try to avoid 'Tintin firing too many shots'.. it is disconcerting to genuine fans
- Let Snowy talk. It'll be good for the storyline, even if he talks to himself only
- Too much of action is avoidable - an entirely new action sequence (in the city of Bagghar) was added to the movie (not there in original adventures). Perhaps it can be avoided or made less destructive
- The amount of damage and destruction shown in the end of the movie (in the city of Bagghar) is something Tintin would never approve of! So be cautious in your attempt to Americanise an essentially European character :)
- Turning a hit storybook into an equally hit movie is a very tough job - still, the steadfastedness with which Herge created the original deserves a matching effort by moviemakers.
Crumbs! I am going on and on. Let it end here! Adios amigos, see you soon.
TOTALLY COOL !!! loved it!!!
- Aztek from Bangalore!
My children love it as much as you seem to!! Good.. good
Seema Sharma
i immediately noticed the mixing of themes in this movie.. but what the heck! Tintin rocks any which way.... :-)))
blisterin barnaclessss :-))
Itll be a surprise if the american audiences lap it up the way Indians or Europeans are likely to.. let's see! All the best
Well, I feel all these little cartoon characters tend to give a message to free the world from the prevailing anarchy, chaos and bloodshed and make this world a better place. In today's world the best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity so there is a need of a revival of the lost human innocence,which can come through the innocent minds probably.
Tin-Tin,my ever so favourite animated character.It has a special place in my life because it was the 1st comic that i read.
my dad had gifted me one,and it would always stay special for me!
Truly a wonderful movie added colours to my imaginations. :>
Tin-Tin rocks!
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