We all are accustomed to a regular use of technology instruments. We like it when with the minimum of effort, we are able to extract the maximum amount of output. Try asking the professionals active through the 1980s and 90s about the effort it would take just to make phone calls and receive fax messages! One had to put aside work, and focus and destroy one's energy on contacting people and getting others to prepare documents (and then the copies!). Things very pretty slow. Compared to today, work-efficiencies were not even 10%. Then came the storm called the internet. In just a decade, this storm simplified certain basic complications related to getting work done to such an extent that professionals and entrepreneurs could now focus their energies on more constructive and positive aspects of new work. The quality of life and work rose significantly. Then the arrival of social media made us feel that life without it would not even have been one. We modern humans totally accustomed to smartphones now believe that technology is now at its peak. But, the real storm is yet to arrive. Over the next 10 to 20 years, five major changes will become a part of our lives, which few have even imagined or thought about, today.
Change 1. Money becoming invisible. The generations to come will wonder about their ancestors who carried physical money (notes, coins) in their wallets. This is now nearing its end. The coming days belong to virtual money. You will be making payments through just one card to anyone - including the vegetable vendor! If all businesses have the type of machines (that take such electronic payments), it would be quite possible. Work already has commenced. India has evolved its own payment system frameworks, and its own payment card too has arrived (the RuPay card). It is obvious that the government will slowly evolve rules and regulations to minimise and eliminate the physical transaction of currency. The benefits are many - instant accounting, a check on black money, procedural ease, ease of transferring subsidies (first to the bank account and then to the cards), etc. Hence, all these things, in an invisible form, will reside inside the card!
Change 2. Things and humans talking to each other. The Internet of Things has already knocked on the doors of humanity! The integration and unification of disparate technology standards will give birth to a system where omnipresent sensors will let machines speak to humans. Sensors in your shoes will keep your entire record (how many steps taken), etc. Sensors installed in the garden will switch on / switch off the water sprinklers as per the weather needs. Your watch will speak with the lighting instruments in the room to turn them on or off. It will also constantly monitor your blood pressure and sugar levels and display them on a continuous basis on your doctor's console. When crimes take place, accurate information will be available to the police automatically. Garbage cans will intimate the collectors when they fill up, and our refrigerator will warn us the moment it senses the fouling of food. Imagine the scale of change! Yes indeed, the whole concept of privacy will be destroyed. Good news - if struck by a heart-attack, a driverless ambulance will soon arrive, and negotiate with the traffic signals on the road to take you to the hospital at the earliest!
Change 3. Humans turning into data. In a world where machines would be doing most of our work, what would we be doing? In such a world made and shaped by information technology and machines, humans will first of all turn into a number or data. The Aadhar card is just a beginning. The moment a baby would be born, the government machinery will map its DNA and feed it into the central computer, and will instantly issue the baby an Aadhar number, a mobile number (to be allotted later), and a bank account number. And the baby will now become a part of the system. She will be identified at each stage by these numbers - from school admissions to her doctorate-level education, from taking subsidies to paying taxes.
Change 4. Government services becoming paperless and transparent. This can actually happen very fast, and is happening. Various certificates you own will now be in a digital format inside a digital locker. While applying for any government (or private sector) opening, you'll be able to authenticate your electronic certificate pulled from the digilocker via a signature made through your mobile phone, and apply without using a single sheet of paper. This is a powerful idea, that will improve Indians' lives qualitatively. This is the vision that appears as a pillar in the 'Digital India' programme of the government.
Change 5. Big Bang changes. Just imagine, if all this is happening, and each citizen can be uniquely identified by a mobile number and an Aadhar identity, his/her police record too can be verified online and our own GPS system (the Navik IRNSS satellite system) is already functional, then why not imagine a day when the voting for General Elections of India are completed in an hour through mobile phones? Every voter will vote in a few seconds / minutes, and get back to work. The Election Commission won't struggle for weeks and months, and the nation will save thousands of crores!
You are smiling, right? Remember, in the 1980s, if someone were bold enough to say that using a small hand-held machine weighing a few hundred grams, he would send documents worth thousands of pages to someone else across the globe, with just a click, and then do a video-conferencing with the other side using the same machine, we all would have laughed out loud! The reality of today is that newer dimensions of technology are opening up every day, and the right exploitation of the same can help us solve a lot of our problems rapidly. The coming age is full of a promise, that the most knotty problems of this world can be tackled, and solved.
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Times are changing! |
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Machine, Man, Manmachine |
Change 3. Humans turning into data. In a world where machines would be doing most of our work, what would we be doing? In such a world made and shaped by information technology and machines, humans will first of all turn into a number or data. The Aadhar card is just a beginning. The moment a baby would be born, the government machinery will map its DNA and feed it into the central computer, and will instantly issue the baby an Aadhar number, a mobile number (to be allotted later), and a bank account number. And the baby will now become a part of the system. She will be identified at each stage by these numbers - from school admissions to her doctorate-level education, from taking subsidies to paying taxes.
Change 4. Government services becoming paperless and transparent. This can actually happen very fast, and is happening. Various certificates you own will now be in a digital format inside a digital locker. While applying for any government (or private sector) opening, you'll be able to authenticate your electronic certificate pulled from the digilocker via a signature made through your mobile phone, and apply without using a single sheet of paper. This is a powerful idea, that will improve Indians' lives qualitatively. This is the vision that appears as a pillar in the 'Digital India' programme of the government.
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Electronic Transactions eTaal |
Change 5. Big Bang changes. Just imagine, if all this is happening, and each citizen can be uniquely identified by a mobile number and an Aadhar identity, his/her police record too can be verified online and our own GPS system (the Navik IRNSS satellite system) is already functional, then why not imagine a day when the voting for General Elections of India are completed in an hour through mobile phones? Every voter will vote in a few seconds / minutes, and get back to work. The Election Commission won't struggle for weeks and months, and the nation will save thousands of crores!
You are smiling, right? Remember, in the 1980s, if someone were bold enough to say that using a small hand-held machine weighing a few hundred grams, he would send documents worth thousands of pages to someone else across the globe, with just a click, and then do a video-conferencing with the other side using the same machine, we all would have laughed out loud! The reality of today is that newer dimensions of technology are opening up every day, and the right exploitation of the same can help us solve a lot of our problems rapidly. The coming age is full of a promise, that the most knotty problems of this world can be tackled, and solved.
These are the some points on which we would be arguing with our children in the future .In similar way as we fights with our parents nowadays .
Topic is ....Humhare jamane mai aisa hota tha
Dont worry sir Chinese hacker are waiting for this days
if voting will be done on-line or through mobile then then govt. would easily track each and everyone who voted for them or not because v can not deny that someone who has the power would
not use that data against them(those who did not voted for the party which will be currently in power).?????
Really the world is changing dramatically day by day. With every passing day, there is a invention of new tech which is more precise than it's earlier version. Today we have embedded technology in the every aspects of human life . From dawn to dusk, we rely on the machine to do any task. More important is that now slowly we are entering in a quantum age where we will have control on the atomic level and we would be making ultra precise devices. Thanks to the artist who have made infinite spectral lines otherwise this all would be a dream only. There is no doubt that at what speed we are making our tech so advance that one day we would be able to teleport any material including living things from one edge of the the globe to other edge.
But it has also a dark side which we often neglect. Due to digitalisation of world, e-wastes are increasing day by day. We are polluting our potable water with arsenic, lead etc which are the raw components of these technologies. We are harming our nature which is biological protection for us. There is no substitute for nature. No one knows what will happen in the future. It will decide the time that would we able to save this civilization or not ...
when industrialization started in previous time, it snatched jobs of many. isn't would be the same in case of digitalization?
The article explains with the changes the technology has already brought in human life at individual level,at societal level & how a human is used to interact with other humans & environment. It then moves on to speculate what new changes the technology will usher in both at individual & societal level. But there are underlying assumptions this article makes without which these changes won't be possible. These are :
1.The infinite availability of energy :They present human population of world is around 700 crore.The population of India is around 121 crore in 2011( as per census 2011) .Imagine the amount of energy it would be required to run such a society where biliions of sensors would be required!! Looking at current energy basket of India it seems impossible to sustain such a model.It can be possible when we have supply of energy whose production, distribution & consumption is not harmful to humans.
2.The waste diposal problem : At present the life of these sensors is approximately 2 to 3 years.Hence these will be huge waste generation. How we are going to dispose it? Still we humans are not able to create the process & systems for waste disposal which is not harmful to environment.With the adoptation of the the technology at present kind of methods will bring the kind of world shown in the movies Wall-E and Elysium rather than the world shown in the movie Minority report.
Pankaj Patel
Digitalisation seems very good in future, as it will make life easier, but what about the economic inequality? Will it increase or decrease?
This summarises that only change is constant.
Prashant Garg
All things will be done definitely. And this is very good but is it also possible that this information or Mass Data use against our will, our choice would be limited, some how things would be force upon us. Now this is like a dream i should be done but how we can solve this problem because in future is will happen and so problems associated with it.
(1) No single organisation would control
(2) commercialisation of Mass Data must be avoided
(3) A new creative mind should be not connected ( Because it will kill soul of the nation)
(4) Nation Should have their own internet.
(5) Core solution is Hindu Mythology.
This is my point of Views.
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